A very Close friend of mine has recommended you guys to have a look and as I was scrolling down and was going through your stuff ..it made my heart wrenching …simply superb work guys ..
After industrialisation and modernisation the life of labourers and workers have become more challenging..our never ending greed for money have made the situation even more worsen ..and this has made us more inhuman…we have become devils with more money and nil emotions ..low quality behaviour to these workers who actually have made our life worth living shows how degrading our ethos have become..In this time you guys have taken this initiative to portray the true picture of actual “Bhagya Vidhatas” a nation is highly appreciable and adorable..all of you have done a tremendous job ..specially Birender yadav’s Lakir ka Fakir is truly heart touching .Anil Thambai, Daisy Katta and others work is also commendable .Good luck for future guys..Keep it up.
I can’t remember when was the last time I viewed such an excellent exhibition which has its eye, heart, text, politics and exhibition design all in the right places. I have been familiar with Anil Thambai’s earlier work and the entire oeuvre of Sanjib Mondal’s work, but many of the other artists’ works are fresh revelations for me. Brings back my faith in certain oases in the toxic desert of Indian Art World.
Seeing an artist insight is always been an amazing and striking experience. Striking because they hit you hard with there minute observation on unseen and ignored part of life.
Thanks for putting it up.
This is wonderful work! I particularly loved G. Mahesh’s “Dusk” – to me it was about the garment workers in Bangalore going home from a day in the factory.
Excellent work
There is many type of ‘ PASINA ‘
As you wish which type of you like
A very Close friend of mine has recommended you guys to have a look and as I was scrolling down and was going through your stuff ..it made my heart wrenching …simply superb work guys ..
After industrialisation and modernisation the life of labourers and workers have become more challenging..our never ending greed for money have made the situation even more worsen ..and this has made us more inhuman…we have become devils with more money and nil emotions ..low quality behaviour to these workers who actually have made our life worth living shows how degrading our ethos have become..In this time you guys have taken this initiative to portray the true picture of actual “Bhagya Vidhatas” a nation is highly appreciable and adorable..all of you have done a tremendous job ..specially Birender yadav’s Lakir ka Fakir is truly heart touching .Anil Thambai, Daisy Katta and others work is also commendable .Good luck for future guys..Keep it up.
I can’t remember when was the last time I viewed such an excellent exhibition which has its eye, heart, text, politics and exhibition design all in the right places. I have been familiar with Anil Thambai’s earlier work and the entire oeuvre of Sanjib Mondal’s work, but many of the other artists’ works are fresh revelations for me. Brings back my faith in certain oases in the toxic desert of Indian Art World.
Thank you.
This is a great exhibition, thanks! Certainly ‘refreshing’ in terms of themes and practice!
Seeing an artist insight is always been an amazing and striking experience. Striking because they hit you hard with there minute observation on unseen and ignored part of life.
Thanks for putting it up.
Human nature of existence.
This is wonderful work! I particularly loved G. Mahesh’s “Dusk” – to me it was about the garment workers in Bangalore going home from a day in the factory.